Sunday, August 27, 2017

June, July, & August 2017

Pete took three small bite sized trips to the house this summer, so I decided to save them all up for optimal reading satisfaction.

Burn out
Pete told me about this only after the problem was resolved. The outdoor security lights were plugged into really long extension cords. Extension cords are not suitable for continuous extended use.

This happened once before, Pete showed me but didn't tell me why, I thought the plugs were just defective.


So he installed two hard wired outlets to prevent any further meltdowns. We are going to have a talk about that lamp.

Spooky noises
There is a noise on the first few seconds of this video from our security camera that scared the crap out of me until I realized what it probably was. I'll let you be the judge. 

Obsessive compulsive lawn mowing
A combination of our lawn mower (the person) as well as our lawn mower (the machine) being out of commission this summer led to our yard looking like the jungles of 'Nam. 

The local wildlife appreciated this. There's a bunny in there somewhere, if you look closely.

It would have been the perfect place to dump a body. Luckily, nothing that dramatic was found.

Instead Pete found these remnants, right by the back fence, thrown in our yard by who has been and will be henceforth referred to as "the peckerheads" 

Pete is really back seat driving this blog; he insisted I add this lawn mowing video. 

The jury is still out on whether I think these suburban crop circles are a good idea or the first sign of a mind just starting to unravel.

He spent way too much time on the lawn, he actually raked it all!

Further evidence of Pete's OCD. There's always tomorrow to mow.....

Pete's lawn fixation reminded me of this scene from the movie Modern Times, where a factory worker played by Charlie Chaplin has repetitive stress injury to the brain and just cant stop working with the wrenches. 1:25 is where it gets really silly.

Things left behind
I found these ads in the mountains of paperwork left behind, I think they were mailed with the never paid credit card bills.
This must be the very first air mattress.

Whoa, we've come a long way!

Why this woman is dressed this way in a barn was not explained.

Brooklyn hipsters wear cameras like this as accessories. 

This pantomiming cat burglar amuses me.  

I have yet to scan these Kodak Disc negatives....

 ......but I suspect they may contain photos of the previous owners raunchy Caribbean vacation.

The previous owner and his parents were very involved in their local church, as well as the major televangelists of the 1980s.

Bulk mail from Jim, Jimmy and Jerry

Confirmation that Darlene is a PTL lifetime partner, and all the perks that come with it.

Check out Tammie Fae in that bottom photo-so young!!

When I went to Catholic mass we put money in the basket and that was the end of it. I had no idea anyone kept track of donations like this!

Is it a sin in the Christian faith to make donations to your church if you don't pay your bills? It was bizarre to find these cancelled checks and receipts along with endless demands for payment for unpaid debts.

I find this interpretation of the Adam and Eve story particular annoying. Eve was just too dumb, she needed Adam to guide her away from temptation; that's why she took the bait.
New acquisitions
A few more street finds, found on First Ave just a few blocks from our apartment. 

I think this was an ashtray, although I'm not sure what that pointy nipple looking thing is. We're going to make it into a birdbath. 

We found two more outdoor sconces, these are in better condition then the last ones we found.

 As much as I detest Facebook, I have to admit it is good for some things. A friend posted this couch, originally selling for $4800., on sale for $1635.  Pete picked it up in a warehouse in New Jersey on the way to the house.

I've included the product photos from the website because they're better photos, and this proof of purchase picture of our friends daughter to show scale.

Gateway to the west
The dream is to fence in our entire yard with frilly finial fancy fence. We have three sides of our property fenced off with chain link, and the front yard covered with overgrown bushes that are way too much trouble than they are worth. We started with this driveway gate from a manufacturer in Mississippi-$1710. shipping included.

I was in New York as the gate was being delivered, squee-ing with delight with every photo received.

There are gas powered post hole diggers, but these old posts had to be removed manually.

 Here's the new gate post, stabilized with 2x4s, ready for the concrete to be poured.

The concrete sets fast and is not affected by rain.

Pete installed the posts by himself but needed extra hands to get the gate installed. Many thanks to Craig and Simon for the help! 

Anything not at 90 degrees would have been a serious problem!!

One side installed. I like that this photo shows scale.

All done!

This is going to be an amazing picture when the house is painted!

I've said many times before that I will be filing the finials of the gate with a grinder, our friend Paul sent us this photo from The Addams Family.

Poetry Corner
I guess these are more to do lists then actual poems. I'm guessing the first one came first, because the second one doesn't  mention sexy time at all.

Work on home projects together. Wow, that's rich!

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